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Mérieux Université S.N.C. (hereinafter Mérieux Université) maintains this website (hereinafter the “Site”) as a means of presenting the training courses offered by Mérieux Université and the companies within the Institut Mérieux group. You are free to browse the Site. The downloading of data from the Site is authorized for personal and non-commercial purposes only, provided that all copyright and other proprietary notices are retained on these materials. Conversely, it is prohibited to distribute, modify, transfer, reuse, forward or use the contents of the Site, including the text, images, videos and audio material, for any public or commercial purposes without written approval from Mérieux Université.

Access to and use of the Site are subject to the following conditions (hereinafter the “General Conditions”) and compliance with all applicable laws. By accessing and browsing this Site, you accept the General Conditions without limitations.


  1. All of the information contained in this Site is, unless otherwise indicated, protected by copyright and may not be used without the written approval of Mérieux Université, unless otherwise stipulated in these General Conditions or specifically authorized in the text on the Site. Mérieux Université offers no guarantee whatsoever that your use of the information on the Site shall not infringe upon the rights of third parties not affiliated with Mérieux Université.
  2. Although Mérieux Université endeavors to ensure that the information presented on the Site is accurate and up to date, Mérieux Université offers no guarantee as to the accuracy of the said information. Mérieux Université may not be held liable as a result of errors or omissions in the content of the Site.
  3. Users make use of the Site entirely at their own risk. Neither Mérieux Université nor any other party involved in the design, production or delivery of the Site may be held liable for any direct or indirect prejudice that may result from access to the Site or from use of the Site or its content. Notwithstanding the above, the totality of the Site content is provided “as seen”, without any guarantees whatsoever, either express or implicit, including but not limited to any guarantee as to its commercial use or its suitability for a specific use, as to its accuracy or completeness, or as to the lack of infringement of the intellectual property rights of third parties. Mérieux Université offers no guarantee that the Site is free of errors, viruses or other harmful elements, or that the Site shall operate at all times. Mérieux Université assumes no liability with respect to any prejudice that may be caused to computer equipment or any other property belonging to users as a result of connection to the Site or the use or downloading of information, data, text, videos, images or audio material from the Site.
  4. With the exception of nominative data that is subject to our Privacy Policy statement, all communications and information submitted to the Site by users, whether by e-mail or otherwise, including data, questions, comments, suggestions, ideas, concepts, know-how, techniques and all other information, shall be deemed to be non-confidential and not subject to any property rights and may be freely used, reproduced, disclosed, published, distributed or otherwise made use of by Mérieux Université or its affiliates for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to the development, manufacture and commercialization of products using such information.
  5. Trademarks, logos and other distinctive signs (hereinafter referred to collectively as “Trademarks”) displayed on the Site are registered or common law Trademarks, belonging to Mérieux Université and to other persons. Nothing on this Site may be construed as conferring any license or rights to use any of the Trademarks displayed on the Site without the written authorization of the owner of the Trademark. Any use of Trademarks, or any other Site content, not expressly authorized by these General Conditions is strictly prohibited. You are hereby advised that Mérieux Université shall seek the application of its intellectual property rights by all of the legal means at its disposal, including prosecution.
  6. The Site and its content, including but not limited to, drawings, articles, diagrams, images, video and audio material and all other components of the Site (hereinafter “Components”) are protected by copyright, associated rights and other property rights in accordance with French law and other treaties and international legislation pertaining to intellectual property and the protection of privacy. These Components are the property of Mérieux Université or of third parties that have granted to Mérieux Université the necessary rights and licenses for their use on the Site. The reproduction and use of any Component is authorized only for your personal information and knowledge of the Mérieux Université group and products, to the exclusion of all commercial purposes whatsoever, provided that all copyright and other proprietary notices are retained on the materials used or reproduced. Any use or reproduction, in part or in whole, of Components other than for your personal and private use is strictly prohibited without prior written approval from Mérieux Université. The distribution, reproduction, representation, adaptation, modification, publication, transmission, translation, sale or any other use of Components, either in part or in whole, as well as the presentation, architecture and organization of the Site, in any form whatsoever and by any means whatsoever, is strictly prohibited without the prior written approval of Mérieux Université.
  7. The Site may contain links to other websites, which are provided for convenience only. Mérieux Université has no control over these websites, has not reviewed all of the websites linked to its Site, and cannot be held liable for the content of these websites. Users access or use these websites and/or their content under their own responsibility and at their own risk. Although Mérieux Université may from time to time monitor or review discussions, postings, transmissions, notice boards and other parts of the Site, it is under no obligation to do so and assumes no liability for this information or any error, falsehood, defamation, obscenity, libel, slander, omission, plagiarism, pornography, profanity or danger contained within it. Users are strictly prohibited from transmitting information that is unlawful, threatening, defamatory, scandalous, obscene, libelous, slanderous or pornographic, or any other information that may constitute or encourage behavior deemed to be a criminal offense, be liable to give rise to civil proceedings, or violate any law.
  8. Software relating to this Site may be governed by the legislation and regulations of France, the USA or other states, pertaining to the regulation of exports, as amended from time to time. The user is responsible for reviewing the legislation and regulations applicable prior to downloading or exporting any software from the Site.
  9. This Site may contain information pertaining to various medical and public health issues. This is provided for information purposes only and under no circumstances should be deemed a substitute for the opinion of a doctor or other medical professional. Under no circumstances should users use the information on the Site to diagnose an illness or assess a person’s state of health. Users must always consult their own doctor or medical adviser.
  10. All of the information on this Site pertaining to Mérieux Université products and services shall be deemed non-contractual. Mérieux Université reserves the right to amend and update the Site and the information that it contains, including these General Conditions, at any time. Users are bound by all amendments and, consequently, should visit this section regularly to review the prevailing General Conditions to which they are subject.


In accordance with the laws pertaining to the protection of personal information, you are hereby informed that when you connect to the Site, personal information will be automatically or voluntarily collected, stored and used under the conditions defined hereinafter. If you do not wish such personal information to be collected, stored and used, you must inform the Webmaster accordingly.

The personal information collected each time you connect to the Site may originate, in particular, from:

The personal information collected shall be used exclusively by Mérieux Université and the Institut Mérieux group’s companies and, unless otherwise specified when the information is collected, shall not be disclosed or shared with third parties for any purposes whatsoever.

In accordance with the French Data Protection Act, No. 78/17, revised in 2004, you have a right to access, correct, amend and delete any personal information held about you. You can exercise this right at any time by sending your request to, where it will be processed as promptly as possible.


All the logos mentioned on the website are the property of group Institut Mérieux’s companies.


This website is the property of Mérieux Université, a general partnership (SNC) with registered capital of €1,000,000.00, registered with the Lyon Trade and Companies Register under the reference number 789 697 026, with its registered office at 113 Route de Paris, 69160 Tassin-la-Demi-Lune.


Telephone: +33 (0)4 78 87 52 00 E-mail:


MARIE DUPUY, Director of Mérieux Université


11, place Bellecour
69002 LYON • France


2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix



N. Bouchut

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